Tuesday, March 10, 2009

December 2008...a wee late :)

Hello my sweet family and friends!!! Yes, I know, it's been over 2 months since I last updated my blog...I can't even begin to tell you how badly I have been wanting to write you and send you pictures. I hope those that read this regularly weren't worried that I fell off the face of the planet...just a little on the busy side, but I made a committment that tonight I would at the very least catch you up with CHRISTMAS!!!!!

Christmas in the Villa was quite the experience. VERY different from our Christmas's at home. I didn't think I would miss my family and miss the "American" Christmas traditions as much as I did...the music, the smells, the food...the cold weather. However, precious Jesus provided for me and gave me special little gifts to not only get me through, but with such joy!

My dear friend Sergio came to our house one day and was very sad. When we asked why he said because someone had stolen his Bible in the middle of the night. He sleeps outside in the local garbage dump and the area is known for being really dangerous. I knew right away what we were going to get Sergio for Christmas :) When the big day came along, I prayed that he would make it to our house to watch our annual live nativity with the kids from our street. And he did! He came with his best friend, Jose Louis and they were by far the best crowd participants we had...clapping and laughing and singing the whole time. When it all ended, I ran up to him and said we had a surprise for him. He had a sly smile on his face and said..."Well I'm not one for surprises Azules, so let's get on with it!" With absolute joy and excitment bursting from inside of me, I handed him a brand new Bible. I had signed it inside from us with a little note. He took it in his worn hands, and opened it very slowly, as if he was savoring every minute. He kissed it, held it to his heart and looked me right in the eyes and he thanked me. There's a picture up with him and his new Bible in these pictures. It's beautiful. Little did I know, this would be our last Christmas with Sergio. I promise to write more on what happened later. For now, please keep his precious soul in your prayers.

This little experience was my most beautiful Christmas present and I am so grateful to share it with you.

For now, I'm off to get a bit of sleep. However, I promise to write more next week.

For those of you who sent me Christmas cards and emails, I can not even begin to express the JOY that overflowed in my little heart. I felt a little piece of home in reading each of them. Mom also sent me all the cards you sent here, so I was able to see your smiling faces. I showed everyone in the house and they thought everyone looked like someone from the TV :)

Thank you for not forgetting me, my little mission here in Argentina and most importantly for your prayers. I am with you in prayer!!! Until next week...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brooker! I still can't get over how cool it is what you're doing. I hope you had an amazing Christmas. We missed you at Thanksgiving, but it was so good to see Meg and everyone. I hope you're having a wonderful time and know how much we love you / everything you're doing. Sergio and everyone are in my prayers. Miss and love you, cousin!