Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Malu & Eduardo cooking pollo asado!!!!
Garmon, Isabel & Malu jamming out on the roof
Selena...stealing my camera...don't you just want to eat her cheeks?!!
Te quierro, Selu!!!
Juan Carlos's 67th Bday with his daughter and her boyfriend


Lisa Clouse said...

Brooke, oh my goodness...what a different life you are living! It's hard to even picture that happenening! Part of me is angry at the injustice, and yet my heart is torn at Christian's brokenness to do such things to people who have only shown him love. You have an amazing heart and are so wise to know to be filled up by Jesus. You are amazing my dear! And I wish I could've seen you bear hugging him! Good job with your Spanish! We love you and miss you and are in your hearts with Jesus in those lonely moments I know you have.

Anonymous said...


I just got back from seeing the "Story of a Soul" about the life of Saint Therese. One of your favorite saints. You know Brooke on her feast day, today...Oct. 1 I now realize why you are so drawn to her. Aside from the fact that she is the saint to missionaries...I see soooooooo much of you in the Soul of Saint Therese!!!! Truly Brooke. I had tears streaming down my cheeks as I see the suffering you have gone through in your life...and like Therese you have always turned to Jesus and your main concern is saving the souls of others. Your tremendous heart...love....compassion is like a huge bouquet of roses. And I loved Saint Therese describing the field of all sorts of flowers. Not just roses but daisies, lillies etc...we all are so different and unique. All made in the image and likeness of God. Thank you for teaching me so much and allowing my heart to soften once again. I love you so much and it was so good to talk to you and hear your gentle voice.
I am going nighty night. I love you dearly and sleep with the angels my love,