Monday, September 8, 2008

Bienvenido a Buenos Aires!

Hi Family & Friends!

I'm very excited to say that I am writing you safe and sound from Buenos Aires, Argentina. (and YES, I'm saying it with a Castellano accent!!). Castellano is the language of Argentina...different than Espanol. I'm new to this whole blog let's see how it goes!

I left for B.A. Thursday afternoon and on the plane ride from Phoenix to Houston, I sat next to Ennie Hickman (old youth minister from St. Tim's). It turns out, he and his family are becoming missionaries in Houston, TX and have a very similar mission to the one I'm doing!!! It was so inspiring to talk with him. And major bonus...he had these special passes to go to the President's Club for Continental and he totally hooked me up for my 3 hour layover!!! Free food and coffee and comfy chairs...I was loving the missionary life so far :) The plane ride to Argentina went by soooo fast. It was a full flight and I sat window seat with NO ONE next to me. I got to spread out and sleep, write letters, pray, study a little Spanish, eat, watch a little CSI en espanol (which was just as good!) and then whalla! We landed.

Arriving in B.A.
The airport was absolute madness! People everywhere, castellano everywhere, and all I wanted to do was shower and brush my teeth. Anyway, customs was a breeze and praise God my luggage was arriving on the belt right as I walked up.
THIS is where the easy, loving life part of the trip ends!!! :)

Denis and Isabel (both French missionaries) picked me up. Denis speaks great English and Isabel speaks VERY little. They both commented on the fact that I packed a lot!!! I was a little bit embarrassed...but come on?? 14 months?! Well, it turns out, us missionaries, don't have cars. We ride the bus. And Lanus (the city we live in) is about a 45 minute bus ride. And these are no greyhound busses people...I mean the most ghetto things I've ever seen. The drivers don't even wait for you to hop on either, they start driving and you have to jog to catch up and get on...imagine us with all this luggage and doing this! Hilarious!

The bus ride was amazing. The castellano language is absolutely BEAUTIFUL...or muy lindo as they would say here. The country side was so green and there is seriously a picture/statue of the Virgen Mary or a Saint everywhere and on anything...a tree, a rock, soccer balls??? I noticed though, that as we kept driving the area around us looked worse and worse. As we entered our barrio, I wanted to cry. There is garbage everywhere. There is a river that runs along our barrio of Lanus and it is filled to the brim with garbage and there are people that live IN the garbage. I have never seen anything like it, except in pictures.

My New Home
And then the bus stopped and here we new home. The smell was strong of garbage and poop and there were dogs EVERYWHERE! I seriously have never seen that may dogs in one place in my life. And you can imagine that their poop is also everywhere. The houses are shocking. Totally crumbling apart...I wondered how in the world they stay up against rainstorms...but they do. All of the houses our lined up next to eachother. I'm learning there is no such thing as personal space. Their doors are not really doors, but pieces of wood loosely attached together, yet you can see into their entire house from outside. There are no windows, expect linens covering up holes in the walls. As we entered our house, I honestly wanted to cry. I couldn't believe I was here...and that I was living here...and working here...and praying all seemed so surreal for so long and now it was becoming a reality.

God Moments
1. We have no heat in our home. Nada. And it is around 20 or 30 degrees F at night, but the humidity is 100% which makes the coldness pierce right to the bone. I honestly have never felt this cold in my whole life. I was embarrassed for ever complaining about being cold, because THIS was freaking freezing. And we layer so much...but it doesn't help. It's like this constant feeling of being freezing. Anywho...shower time came and I was dreading it. There's nothing worse than being absolutely freezing and wet. No fun at all. Praise God, we do have a water heater for the shower only and it takes 30-40 minutes to heat up the water. And there's no such things as medium hot, it's either boiling or freezing...lovely :) The faucet is what killed me though. Literally, there are 10 drops of water that come out of the faucet dripping and the water we use runs out after a certain amount of time and so I'm trying so hard to shampoo, condition and soap before the water runs out...and before I could finish it totally was out. haha! And we don't have a drain in our bathroom. So water gets all over the floor and it just has to stay there in puddles!! Agh!!! Oh...and my converter totally doesn't work so no blowdrying or straightening my hair :) I so knew that was going to happen. I tell you this not just so you can laugh at imagining me!! But to share with you, that it's moments like this one that make me realize how much I have taken for granted in the luxury life I have been blessed with at home. And the thing is...I actually get to leave this situation in 14 months. My friends of the barrio do not. God really can use anything to make a point! haha

2. The welcome the people in our barrio have given me is amazing! All the little girls (chicas) drew me pictures to welcome me!! They just latch themselves to us and speak sooo quickly in their sweet little voices. My heart just totally melted. And, Brooke is very difficult for most of the people to say, so my new name is Helen but with a B. So, they the chicas shout, "Belen, Belen!" It's sooooo cute.

3. I have 2 favorite little girls, Nicole and Selena. Selena comes to our house almost every day and is 6 years old. She LOVES to teach me words in Castellano and thinks it sooo funny that I can't speak her language. If she sees me from far away, she'll run full speed and throw her arms around me and kiss me on my cheek. I love this part of their culture! Everyone greets one another with a kiss...very St. Francis :) But when I miss home and get lonely, sure enough, Miss Selena will appear and brighten up my whole day. I can't wait until I am able to speak to her in her language and tell her how special she is.

Nicole is only 4 year old and she lives in a house with 16 people. Their tiny house is an absolute mess and there are kids everywhere. They are screaming and shouting and hitting one another. The parents and older siblings sit around smoking, drinking mate and watching soccer and do nothing when one of their babies starts to cry or falls and gets a boo boo. I have noticed so far, that the parents here have no sense of discipline. The children are pretty much allowed to do whatever they want. Also, the children mostly live off of candy. It's the strangest thing. The parents do not cook for their kids, but give them money to buy food and of course, being kids, they always buy candy and the parents just let them. Because of this, most of the children's teeth are rotting away. And then there is Nicole amidst all of this chaos. She is the most loving, peaceful well-behaved child. She is also a little snugglebug and welcomed me right away because she loves my long, brown hair and wanted to play with it. We visited her home for a couple of hours and she never left my lap the whole time. I couldn't even say anything to her except a few simple words, nor could I understand what she said to me, yet when it was time to go, I didn't want to leave her.

Final Thoughts
THANK YOU for your prayers. God has certainly shown me the power of prayer in a new way. There are MANY, MANY times when I want to give up (and it's only been 4 days!!!) and come back. I cry a lot. I have never been physically so uncomfortable in my entire life. I can't communicate with the people, my community or even you! Because of this, I'm truly experiencing lonliness on a whole new level. However, I do not say these things asking for pity. NO! I say these things because when this stuff happens, I think of your prayers, I read your letters, and I am filled with God's peace. PLEASE continue to pray for me and the other missionaries and the beautiful people we are privelaged to befriend. You all are absolutely in my daily prayers and thoughts.

Please keep in touch! Thanks for reading my blog! I'll be updating it weekly...("By the grace of God," as Fr. Jude always says).

Hasta lluego!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my beautiful little Brookie, we are so blessed to hear from you and have so anxious to know that you are ok. Yes, it is certainly a challenge that you are facing in the midst of abject poverty that is now part of your life for the next 14 month. However, the lessons learned and the joy that you will both bring to the little ones and that they in turn will bring to you is an unbelievable gift from God. You are our her, Brookie and I cannot tell you how much we miss our little girl and how proud we are to call you our daughter. Keep up the blog-it is so powerful!



Anonymous said...

Precious Brookie, what a powerful witness you are for God. Reading your blog sets the tone and I actually find myself mentally there. Like reading a good book. Having spent to summers in Cali, Colombia I know the kind of poverty you are talking about however I never was brave enough as you to live amongst it like you have. What a blessing you are to those precious children. You are the face of Christ. Just like the picture I gave you of Jesus with the little children on His lap, yes Brooke for this time you are Jesus to these dear little ones as the flock to your lap to stroke your hair, listen to your "strange" language and just love you for you. I can't begin to express to you how much Daddy, Meghan and I miss you!!!!! Everyone asks if I heard from you. Tears roll down my cheeks as I read your Blog. Tears of utter awe at the power of my little Brookie. What a tremendous vessel you are for our Lord! Oh my. I love you dear one so much and know that our prayers for you are endless. We constantly keep you and prayers and when you wrote about that little girl running to you one of the prayers I said to God was "please Jesus send Brooke little Angels to love her and embrace her physically since I can't!" I miss holding and cuddling you. I miss your smells, your voice, telling me about your day, EVERYTHING! Thank God Meghan is here to love me. How did I ever get so blessed to have TWO precious daughters? I send to you a BIG hug and BIG kiss and sleep with the Angels my love. I love you dearly and am so VERY proud of your major sacrifies. Mommy xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Brookie...
Daddy is about to say his morning prayers before going to the office for a very busy day. Having read your blog again, I can picture you firmly in my mind amidst the poor of Argentina and how your compassion and huge heart must swell for love of the little ones entrusted to your love and care. You write so well, Brookie, that keeping up with you through your emails and blog will help your family, friends and loved ones over the sense of loss of seeing your beautiful smile and big eyes looking at us with love. We are so proud of you, daughter and your mommy, Meghan and I hold you dear to our hearts and in our prayers every minute of every day. Keep up God's great work, my child!

Love always,


padre said...

Hello Brooke,

Just a quick note to say that you are in my prayers. Thank you for sharing your powerful story. Your sacrifice in inspiring and your love for Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother even more obvious. Be assured of my prayerful support. May the Lord bless you and send His Angels to comfort you.

God Bless, Fr. Kline

Charlie Brown~ said...

So very excited about your ministry. You inspire me to better things also. It is amazing how your blog shares your story....I appreciate it very much..
Charlie Brown

ShellShell said...

Dearest Brooke -
Reading your blog is so inspirational. I cannot imagine the discomfort and sadness you are experiencing, but please know that Our Lady is always with you. Any time you feel lonely or want to give up, just put your trust in her and you will get through it. The first 4 days may have been roguh, but look, you have already touched the lives of 2 children. Please know that you and everyone that you are working with will be in my daily prayers. All my love - God Bless!

Unknown said...

Dear Brooke - It was so wonderful to read your letter and see pictures of your new home. The view from your window was particularly sobering. You are indeed in another world, but in a world that will be blessed by your presence. Not only the children, but all you serve, will be drawn to you. Kathy and I will pray for your health, your happiness, and the very important work you are doing. God bless you. Love, Steve

Anonymous said...

SISTER!!! What an amazing and eye-opening experience. I can't even imagine the suffering and struggles that you are going through, but I know that God is providing you with so much strength and compassion to get through this and help others in the process. You leave such an awesome impression on so many hearts; I love knowing that you're leaving that beautiful impression on the hearts and souls of the people of B.A. I can't tell you enough how proud I am of you! You are so brave and so loving, and I feel blessed to share my sister with Argentina. I love you and can't wait to hear more about your trip!!

ShellShell said...

Brooke -
Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. We have included you in our prayers at the rosary group each Saturday. Although there is a great distance separating you from your friends and family, the faith that we all share in knowing Our Savior will always keep us close. You are an inspiration to me and I know with out a doubt what a blessing you are to those that you are serving. I look forward to reading your updates about how you are doing and the lives you will touch each day. May God bless you and keep you safe.
Love -
Karen Sondelski

Laura said...


You are in a special place right now... So very proud of you stepping to the plate from which most turn and look away...

When riding the horse, I look where I want to go and the horse instintively follows. You show this same kind of leadership in many areas of your life. When you choose a direction, especially the direction God has prepared, those that are meant to be affected will follow.

Blessings will abound and mingle with your lonliness and discomfort. The sheer emotions of your new experience will leave you tired.

So, to the wonderful, graceful, strong, brave, sensitive creature you are in the Lord, dig in those heels, hold high your head, keep your beautiful smile, share your catchy laughter and PRAY unceasingly!!!

YOU are a bright spot to an ugly world! May God hold you in a special place and soften your landings and most of all - Bless your Socks 'Off'! (or are they all dirty already?) Haha- hugs!

Lovingly Yours,
laura aka lala

Anonymous said...


Miss you Brooke! Your story is just beginning and it is already enticing! By the time you get back Meghan might have to re-teach you that the tp goes down the drain and not in the Seriously though, I would love to say something inspirational to help you along your journey but I'm at a loss of words! I think the true inspiration is all around you. When those little girls stare at you I'm sure that they feel loved and when they run to you or sit on your lap that love that they feel is being reciprocated. It's obvious that you were put there to help them but even more obvious that they were put there to help you!! The courage, inspiration, love... It's always there wherever we go, just as you are with everyone here. All we have to do is open our eyes and our ears to The message. Your story is what helps others understand how to do that. You give us courage, inspiration, love and an understanding that it's all about charity! So thank you Brooke for being who you are! May God bless you and keep you until then....

Carlos ;)

Teresa "T" said...

Been thinking of you lots. Your mom sends us note on how you are doing. So grateful to have your Blog page now which really puts my life back into perspective.
I am so incredibly proud of you and can only imagine how some days you absolutely have to put your trust out there. I don't always do so great on that area.
I will write more later.....
much love,

Anonymous said...

I think of you all the time. I just read this quote from Mother Teresa whose work is so similar to yours.
Mother Teresa called her life and work "the simple path."
"The fruit of silence is PRAYER. The fruit of prayer is FAITH. The fruit of faith is LOVE. The fruit of love is SERVICE. The fruit of service is PEACE."
Mother Teresa the ultimate servant and missionary to the poor.
Wishing you a life filled with PRAYER, FAITH, LOVE, SERVICE and PEACE.
With much much love and admiration,

Unknown said...

Broooooker! What you're doing is absolutely amazing. I cannot even imagine. We're so proud of you and are thinking of you. You're incredible. Love and miss you!!!!