Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I totally forgot to tell you about Juan Carlos!! He's in the last picture. We visited him randomly last week and he brought out his passport so that we would know the date of his birthday, which was this past Monday. Is that not precious?

So...on Monday, we made him a card and gathered up 2 presents for him from home. Because he was born on the Feast of the Archangels (Michael, Raphael and Gabriel), we had this little frame thingie with those 3 angels on it and I thought it would be perfect! And then we found this random toy that sings the McDonald's theme song??? lol! Anyway, Monday afternoon, Denis and I went to his home to celebrate his bday with him and as soon as we gave him his card and gifts, tears just flowed down his tired face. He kissed the little stuffed animal and kept playing the McDonald's theme song over and over and over. (After the visit, I was TOTALLY craving McDonald's...isn't that funny?? haha). Denis explained to him that his birthday was really special because of the Feast day being celebrated and he said "All the days are special! Be thankful for each and every one God gives us!" Juan Carlos is a special friend to HH. He brought out all the cards he has received from past missionaries over 12 years and wanted us to read them we did. :)

He's our new friend...and now he's yours too. Pray for him and his family. His wife passed away 3 years ago and he has become an alcoholic since, to numb the pain. His daughter was explaining to us how sad it makes her. He's a wise soul though and SO close to our Lord...I know He's being taken care of.

Ok...bye for real this time! See you next week!


Lisa Clouse said...

Brookie, you are so amazing...your stories sound like fiction because they are so unbelievable! Yet each and everyday your life is changed, and you are bringing your beautiful joy that we cherish so much into the lives of others. We pray for you each day and are thankful for the opportunity to expand our hearts through your experience. I love you my sweet!!

Anonymous said...

People are sick no matter who they are in my opinion. Just some are sicker than others and some you cannot trust. Christian is an addict and you can never fully trust an addict. It SUCKS!! Useually they're the nicest and respectable people when thay are sober! It was very brave of you to do what you did with him! It was the right thing to do! God bless you Brooke! Love to hear your stories! Take care and God bless!


Michael Brock said...

Brooke I'm so sorry that episode with Christian happened to you. As always your zeal for the Lord and love of the children is a great inspiration to me. Believe it or not, but I'm at Heart's Home in Brooklyn again. I had to come here to get the visa to Brazil and I'll be here until the 16th. It's just not the same without you, Hannah, and Judy. Tomorrow I'm visiting the convent where the nuns thought you were homeless! Take care Brooke, God bless.

sr. augustine marie said...

Hi, My Dear Candy Cane!! :-)

How fun is this blog! Your mom sent us the link and we've been able to keep up with your adventures. Wow! Your mission sounds very challenging, but what a huge grace to be living so close to God's poor and suffering children. You must bring them so much joy! And your reward will be great in heaven!

Hang in there, girl. Remember He is with you! I'll be checking back weekly. But know that I love you and am keeping you in my daily prayers before Jesus.

In Him, Sr. Augustine :-) xo!